Charity and not for profit.

We offer a tailored audit, accounting and compliance services, that will help you to maintain a financially sound organization and reduce risk areas. But it’s in our value-added services where you’ll really see the difference between us and our competitors.

Our charity accountants can support you with strategic planning, governance reviews and dealing with the Charity Commission. We also provide enhanced support for trustees, regularly attending board and committee meetings to present financial information and discuss wider charity governance matters.

At Albanian Consultancy charity truly begins at home. We fully understand your specific needs and challenges. That’s why we align our fees accordingly, with no comprise on service quality. Learn more about our values.

Our services:

  • Tax advisory and tax planning
  • Accounting, tax and bookkeeping
  • Payroll
  • Restructuring
  • Company secretarial
  • •Audit, assurance and financial reporting
  • •Independent examinations
  • •Grant audits and certifications
  • •Gift aid registrations and applications
  • •Governance reviews and support

Get a personal consultation.